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The Dead Below: My 2022 Hobby Project

“Beyond the shimmering veil stands a dread legion, blade locked to rusted blade, spear joined to crooked spear, howling out one name–the Undying King, the Usurper, the Prince of Sands. Theirs is a language beyond mortal reckoning, a spoiled wail to spite the gods, inaudible, but loud as a tolling bell, loud as the doom-drone of a distant storm. And they howl this name as they sally into the pale moonlight, as they slouch from the Ghooric Zone, from their dream-haunted slumbers, called by the imperious wind of dread Shyish, beckoned by a dark whisper. And, lo, the despoiled dead cry out to the world! 'Nagash! We rise! We come to you!'" Excerpted from De Umbris Malum , inscribed by Giordano the Tilean prior to his lamentable transfiguration into a Blue Horror of Tzeentch. The Dead Below: A Restless Dead Warband Cunaxa the Hexed 1 Liche Total: 125 gold crowns Spells: Spell of Doom, Call of Vanhel Umbraxes Tol 1 Necromancer Total: 40 gold crowns Spells: Spell of Doom Calchas M...

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